Line webtoon
Line webtoon

line webtoon

I’m sure doing this makes them more money, but it also makes a LOT of their users upset. I truly hope that the development team fix this. I am very sad and disappointed that my long time favorite app is going to slowly turn into the ones that I have deleted over the years. And if you want to go back and read old episodes to refresh what you may have forgotten in the story? Too bad, you can’t see that episode after 14 days unless you use the pass again. Because then it isn’t even a daily pass, sometimes you will have to wait much longer than that for the next episode. If the comic isn’t even complete yet, I don’t understand why they would make us use the daily pass. In comment sections on the comics that have this feature, many other users state the same thing. HOWEVER, the whole “daily pass for comics that aren’t even complete yet” is making me incredibly upset. Though I’m not a fan, I can understand why they would add it onto old completed comics. As you can see from other reviews, it is the daily pass system. This is the app that didn’t make me upset and I could count on.

line webtoon

I have tried many others, and deleted them after they had changed things on the app that made them not-so-fun to use anymore. It’s always been the best web comic app out there. I have been using this app since about 2015, which seems pretty crazy to me. If Webtoon could please figure out a way to deal with these perverse users that keep posting these links in some way, it would be a really big help for Webtoon readers. I know better than to click on them, and I report those comments when I get the chance, but of course there are also young people who go on Webtoon and might click on these links because they might not know any better. There are these users that keep going around in the comment sections of Webtoons, and they post links to innapropriate sites or viruses that’s really dangerous.

line webtoon

Also there’s another issue I wanted to bring to light.

#Line webtoon series#

With the daily pass it would take MONTHS or WEEKS to finish the series again, and not only that but the episodes you unlock from daily pass are only for a limited amount of time. It is SUCH a good series and I can no longer reread it as much as I wanted to. For example the completed series Winter Woods. I don’t like to complain but daily pass is just so annoying because I can’t reread my favorite completed series over and over again. I actually really liked it because it was a nice way to be able to read episodes that haven’t been release yet! But then came the daily passes for some completed series. I honestly can’t imagine my life without it now because these stories have made me laugh, cry, and even get angry. Please try and make sure these glitches never happen again cause it really made me disappointed. I don’t like complaining really but I just wanted to write this mostly for the people who made the app because I am sad and mad about what happened and just really wanna read my book. If anyone is reading this who wants to get this app you totally should because it’s amazing and this is really the first time this has ever happened.

line webtoon

it didn’t come out it says I have to wait another seven days!!! I’m really mad about this because I don’t spend money on story’s and now I have to wait longer because of a stupid glitch the app had. I forgot about that and looked to read it today. it said it would come out in like 8 house yesterday in the morning. I’ve been waiting seven days for the next one to come out because of fast pass and it’s felt like forever because I love this story and the episode before the one coming out ended at a cliffhanger so I was so excited. I’m reading this super great story called “My Deepest Secret” witch is soooooooooo good and probably one of my favorite story’s. I was actually going to give this a 5 star review until it glitched. I know fast pass is annoying because you have to wait so long but it really is worth it because there are literally so many amazing story’s for whatever you like.

Line webtoon